Fiji Inshore / Reef Pattern (The I dont care spread)
The Fiji islands enjoy a whole variety of sport fish species from reef dwelling coral trout to oceanic blue marlin. Whilst we usually target particular species aboard our game fishing vessels here at Matava in Fiji, Bite Me and Offensive Tackle, we sometimes take resort guests out simply to catch dinner and have fun doing so.
It's general fishing (Otherwise known as I dont care what I catch just as long as its big and tasty) so we aim to cover all our bases and catch a variety of different species.
We run 15kg (30lb) Shimano TLD25 outfits on Excalibur roller tip rods with a 9ft double connected to a short leader. All minnows are rigged on a short single strand wire trace. The sample spread below should give you an idea of how we fish the inner lagoons and fringing reefs for anything and everything found there.
Sample I dont care spread from our inshore sport fishing boat Offensive Tackle
Target Mackerel, Grouper, Red Bass
- Halco Sorcerer Silver (mullet)
- Halco Laser Pro 190 Crazy Deep Silver (mullet)
Target Mackerel, Barracuda, Long Tom
- Lurestreet Raptor Green / Gold or Red / White
Target Tuna, all Trevally
- Wellsys Micro Bullet Red black / Pink
Target Tuna, all Trevally
- Pakula Uzi Orange.
- Abu Toby Spoon or other metal slug- Silver Target - Queenfish
Target Mackerel, Tuna, all Trevally
- Halco Laser Pro 160 minnow Redhead
- Pakula Phantom Blue Silver / Green Gold (Evil) Target Sailfish.
- Halco Roosta Popper Redhead Target Large Great Barracuda & GTs
Species Variety:
- Narrow Barred (Spanish) Mackerel
- Shark Mackerel
- Double lined Mackerel
- Yellowfin Tuna
- Skipjack Tuna
- Mackerel Tuna (Kawakawa)
- Bigeye Tuna
- Albacore
- Giant Trevally
- Bluefin Trevally
- Bigeye Trevally
- Brassy Trevally
- Golden Trevally
- Great Barracuda
- Chevron Barracuda
- Bigeye Barracuda
- Coral Trout
- Lyretail Grouper
- Peacock Grouper
- Rock Cod
Where we get our Inshore lures :
Wellsys Tackle
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Adrian was born on the island of Cyprus and graduated to his first rod & reel at the age of five. Having fished around the world from the Arabian Gulf to the North sea and English Channel, he finally settled for the tropical waters of the South Pacific around the island of Kadavu, Fiji Islands. Director of Matava Resort Gamefishing, he skippers 'Bite Me', the resort's 31ft DeepVee Gamefishing vessel and thoroughly enjoys exploring the light and heavy tackle fishing around the island and Great Astrolabe Barrier Reef. An IGFA Certified Captain, he advocates tag & release and is a keen supporter of the IGFA and the Billfish Foundation.
Adrian Watt
IGFA Captain